
The Cyber Readiness Program enables businesses to protect themselves against the most common cyber issues. Hear from Program participants in their own words about how the Program has impacted their organizations. These participants represent a diverse array of small businesses, from construction to professional services, legal, healthcare and beyond.

“While we have great external IT Management; we were missing strong internal policies and training for our workforce. This program has helped me put policies in place and has given me the tools to roll them out and to continue with ongoing training. I highly recommend this program to small businesses who don’t have a dedicated IT team. Lay persons like myself can take on Cyber Readiness even if IT is not their area of expertise. It is so important to have this internal process, even if you have external IT management.”

– Kelly H

Human Resource Manager
Wyoming Roofing

“The myth around cybersecurity is that it’s really technical and protection is something that’s done behind closed doors…but it’s really based on a lot of human behaviors that are small and simple, but that can really make a big impact.”

– Christine Pelione

Cybersecurity Integration Leader
General Motors

” CyberHawaii could not have expanded and enhanced our outreach statewide without technical expertise and support from the Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI). Thanks to our partnership, both small and medium sized businesses and the government here in Hawaii have benefited from the resources and tools we’ve provided thanks to CRI.”

– CyberHawaii

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