CRI and CYMANII Pilot: Improving Cyber Readiness in the Manufacturing Sector
The Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) and the Cybersecurity Manufacturing Innovation Institute (CyManII) are partnering to help small and medium-sized manufacturers improve their cyber readiness and the security of this vital sector of the U.S. economy.
The CRI/CyManII partnership is in response to the sharp rise in the number of cyber attacks targeting small and medium-sized manufacturers. The pilot is based on the CRI’s Cyber Readiness Program (CRP), which is designed to assist small and medium-sized businesses in improving their cybersecurity risk management and their ability to respond and recover from a cybersecurity incident.
What to do in the Program
The Program focuses on human behavior with information on key cyber issues and transitions into a plan for implementation. Cyber Leaders in the manufacturing sector are led through two stages sequentially, to build a foundation of understanding, and then turn that knowledge into action.
Please see below details on each stage to complete. Please contact the CRI team at with any questions or requests for access.